Group Presentation

June 9 - August 27, 2023

OPENING EVENT: June 9, 2023 | 5 - 9 PM

ArtSource is The Delaware Contemporary’s dynamic platform that centers local and regional artists in our curatorial mission. This summer features our first Artist Invitational for ArtSource members with over 30 artists curated in six galleries.

Since ArtSource has nearly 300 artists, we invited everyone in the registry to add their voice and perspective through video to tell a more whole story of what ArtSource, and other creative-focused resources, means to them. Artists were prompted to address one of our following questions:
1) How do you find or make time to create your artwork?
2) What obstacles do you encounter most while trying to make or exhibit artwork?
3) How do you perceive arts institutions as spaces for community representation?

The Draper Gallery, at the heart of the museum, hosts this interactive, responsive, and sensitive portrait of a working artist's life. This companion exhibit opens a topic not often discussed in the museum environment.

E. Avery Draper Gallery



Photo Credits: Danielle Vennard Photographer LLC